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Who is Step?

To those of you who don't already know me, Hi! I'm Step. I'm one of a pair of voices you hear every week on the Kink Geek Podcast, as well as our various other venues for content around the internet. Apart from that, you probably don't know that much about me. Recently, we did a soft relaunch of the Kink Geek family, starting with our "Who Are You?" series. I decided this would be a good time for me to poke my head out and say hello.

A kind of crazy byproduct of my upbringing was that I was against having an online presence for a very long time, and as a result, I haven't really gotten used to the whole social media sphere. If you'd like to read some of my old, possibly out of date writings, my old blog is still live and neglected, but it's not where I spend my energy now.

Now I spend my energy talking to you every week, and writing articles for my blog as an intimacy coach, or playing video games for one of my YouTube channels. I do so much, in fact, that you'd almost question my ability to get it all done in a week, while also managing a full time job.

I've never been great at organization, and I've also never been a self starter. Recently, I've taught myself to be both (and by recently, I mean gradually, over the course of five, painful, years). I'm still not great at it, but I get better every day through sheer repetition.

I get that it sounds like I'm complaining (or boasting, or both, simultaneously), but what I'm trying to get at is that there must be some reason for me (and for Tams) to go to all this trouble. Fame and fortune? That'd be nice, but I'm smart enough to know that in this day and age of media saturation, we'll be lucky to break even on our little hobbys.

To instruct? Well, sure, but there is no shortage of sources of information on the internet. Even though I think we provide good information, we aren't the only ones doing it. I think the real reason I make things and throw them out into the world is that I want to be understood. Of the people I love, very few of them really understand me, and if it's like that for me, it's probably that way for other people, too. I want to make a connection, and hope that some of you, out there, listening or watching, get the feeling that you have kindred in me.

Wow, got mushy there. Most people would probably pass it off as a joke at this point. The usual "ha, I'm so lame" or what have you, but I don't really believe that. I think feeling real emotions is noble, and worth while. I hope some of you out there feel the same way.

Thanks for reading,


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