We're Getting There...
Where does the time go? I can't believe that the last post I did was in April. How does that happen? I suppose the easy answer is that time is eaten up when trying to get a series of projects off of the ground. We now find ourselves doing three podcasts, three YouTube channels, a Magic: The Gathering website, trying to progress in our own Magic careers, writing novels, my music, two online stores, Steps full time job, me looking for a job, personal relationships...and now we are contemplating an audio drama. I think we both are a little crazy.
That said, it's a really fun, creative time for us, we just wish there was more time in the day. Over the next few months you'll have to bare with us as we work out our growing pains, in service to bringing you more, and better content. We are trying our best to stick to schedules and find our rhythm, but occasionally there may be a snag.
Our priorities at the moment are making sure Kink Geek has a weekly podcast full of great content, getting Kink Geek Watches out on a regular schedule and growing our Patreon to better serve our listeners and help grow our channel.
As always, we are open to content suggestions and questions, feel free to tweet or email us.
Until next time, I hope everyone has a great week!