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The Midweek Blues

It's Wednesday. Usually I love Wednesday. It's the day we record The Knowledge Pool and hang our with our friend Laura. It's also the point in the week where I can see what I've gotten done so far, and still have tons of time to pick up the pace before the weekend. Today, however, I feel differently.

I'm pretty tired, and just kinda blue.

What I really feel like doing is crawling under the covers and reading a book, or watching a movie. All day. With my kitties. And my snuggly, soft blanket. And a hot cup of tea. But I won't. Instead I will keep to the schedule I have for myself today and just get through it.

I'm not sure what's bringing on the blahs. I've gotten a ton of stuff done so far today. House cleaned, chili in the crock pot, some paperwork done- and it's only noon.

I think that one of the hardest things about moods like these, they have no determinable root cause, so it's hard to figure out how to avoid them in the future. The best I can figure to do is to have things in place that generally make the day easier. I did the most energy intensive stuff at the beginning of the day. Cleaning is great as I can see the accomplishment. I took a very quick wake up shower this morning so that I can have a longer bath later.

I'm also trying to learn not to be so hard on myself when I'm feeling draggy. It doesn't make me a bad person, or unprofessional. It makes me human with a complex operating system.

So now I'm going to compromise and make a cup of tea, take 10 minutes to snuggle the fluff butt and then get back to it.

Hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.


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