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Hey everyone! Thought you might like a peek at our Halloween shenanigans.

Step dressed up as Xenagos, the Reveler, from Magic the Gathering. Let's have a look at the original art first-

Now let's take a look at Step's version.

Step bought a swatch of fabric, hand cut it, and then created a stencil to paint on the design. It turned out soooo well.

Now let's have a look at what I came up with. I choose to do my own version of Creepy Doll, also a Magic the Gathering card.

Unfortunately, I didn't have a similar dress, nor was I missing an eye, so instead I went with a black poofy dress that sort of emulated the look.

We had such a good time playing Magic at the card shop, dressed like characters from the game.

And of course, what would Halloween be without a black cat? So here is Salem, our DraftCat.

I hope everyone is having a great week!

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